The Florida House and Senate are preparing to conference on the 2019-2020 state budget next week, and as it currently stands, both budgets fall far short of the $54 million Governor DeSantis requested for our State Parks. So here at the Foundation, we’re doubling down our efforts to make sure our state parks receive the resources they need!
Will you join us by sending an email to four key legislators urging them to fully fund our Florida State Parks in the 2019-2020 state budget?
Florida’s state parks are one of the state’s greatest success stories, and they continue to yield a massive return on investment. Last year over $158 million was raised in state sales taxes, and more than 33,000 jobs were supported in local communities thanks to state park operations. In total, 28 million visitors generated $2.4 billion in direct economic impact -- despite the impact of Hurricane Michael!
If the legislature fails to adequately fund our Florida State Parks, it won’t just be the parks themselves that feel the impact. Floridians could lose their jobs, the state could lose sales tax revenue, and local communities could lose out on the economic impact park visitors bring.
We’re fighting to make sure that doesn’t happen, but we need your support. Legislators are meeting soon to conference on the state budget, so we need you to reach out to key committee members and make sure they know Floridians want them to fully fund the Florida Park Service.
Will you add your voice in support of fully funding our Florida State Parks by emailing Rep. Travis Cummings, Rep. Holly Rachein, Sen. Debbie Mayfield, and Sen. Rob Bradley today?
Thank you,
The Florida State Parks Foundation