Junior Ranger Classes at Lake Talquin State Park

06/15/2017 10:15 AM | Anonymous

Recently, Yellow Buses in the Parks funding was able to cover the bus transportation costs so that an entire 4th grade class was able to participate in the Junior Ranger Program at Lake Talquin State Park located in the Tallahassee area of Florida.

The Florida State Parks Junior Ranger Program provides the opportunity for young people to learn, serve and share our parks' natural and cultural resources.  After completing six core activities the Junior Ranger Pledge is recited and each child receives a Certificate, Member ID Card and the Official Junior Ranger PASSPORT.

The Junior Ranger Pledge

"As a Junior Ranger, I promise to protect the plants, animals, water, geological
features, culture and history of Florida State Parks. I promise to continue to learn
about parks and share what I have learned with others.”

Families with children are welcome to participate at any state park that offers the program.  Learn more about the Junior Ranger program and find out which parks participate here.

And help us get many more kids to Florida State Parks so they may benefit from all the great programs held there.  Busy family lives mean kids may not get to parks as they might like to.  Field trips during the school year ensures more kids will get to the parks.  Teachers are heartedly enthusiastic about bringing their classes to the parks but often the school districts lack the funds to get them there.  With your help Yellow Buses in the Parks can continue to fund field trip transportation costs.  To make your donation go to our website here and specify Yellow Buses.

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